Coding Nava's Content Pages


Timeline: Oct 2021 | Visit link

Description: Nava is a company that builds websites for the government. They write internal content, so I set up the initial designs for the experience, and implemented the changes. This project was an example of me working successfully from end-to-end of the experience.



Fetched content and hooked it up with design to create front-end experience


I was responsible for coding the new experience. We used a JAMstack approach.

Our content was hosted on a CMS called Siteleaf. Siteleaf’s underlying tech is based on Jekyll. Every time content on Siteleaf’s side was updated, Jekyll would sync the changes to our Github, and our live site would change as a result.

With Gatsby, I set up a few things.

  • the syncing mechanism was already in place, so I refactored that code

  • each page in Siteleaf has markup and metadata that is packaged together as metadata. In Gatsby, I feed that metadata into HTML components using Liquid syntax

  • I designed the HTML elements using SASS

  • Implement QA process for the new features

During the project, there were a lot of improvements along the way. Particularly,

  • I reorganized how the CMS was organized; it was a pain point the content team often brought up

  • I implemented a ‘related posts’ section, where backend data about a piece of content was used to feed a recommendation algorithm

  • I created the team’s first ‘internal bible’, where I explain the inner workings of JAMstack and the website in order to help those not familiar with concepts



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